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Radio Advertising

At 9th Ray Studios, we understand the enduring power of Radio Advertising to forge lasting connections with both niche and diverse audience. Radio is not only a highly effective medium for reaching people on the move, such as commuters during peak traffic hours, but also offers unparalleled reach across various demographics—from techies and cab drivers to housewives and senior citizens.


Radio Advertising stands out for its high penetration and reach, coupled with the low cost of production, making it an extremely cost-effective option for businesses aiming at enhancing their brand recall on modest budgets. As a live medium, radio offers a unique, interactive experience that complements digital and direct marketing activities, enhancing overall campaign effectiveness.


Our expertise at 9th Ray Studios lies in crafting effective radio campaigns that resonate with target audiences, ensuring media plans that ensure high frequency bursts keep your brand top-of-mind. We tailor each campaign to align with your strategic communication goals, employing our deep understanding of various media segments to maximize engagement and response.


Leverage the power of radio with 9th Ray Studios and transform the way your brand connects with listeners, ensuring integrated and impactful advertising experiences that drive results.



Jingles / Commercials

Recorded Commercials starting from 10 Sec. No restrictions on minimum or maximum rotations per day. These can be clubbed and extensively offered with special “Road Block” service option too.

RJ Mentions

Live Brand Mentions by RJs during the show. RJ narrates the details of the project. Maximum duration of Mention can be 40-60 Sec, Maximum 2-3 Rotations per day allowed.

Studio Shift

A studio shift occurs when a show is broadcasted from a location outside the studio, as chosen by the sponsoring brand.


Live / Recorded Contest run by RJ for listeners. Winners can get Brand Vouchers sponsored by Client. Maximum One Branded Contest per day is allowed.